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Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Reforms:
where do we stand?
Friday 29 January 2016, 9 h 00 - 10 h 30,  75007 Paris 

Chaired by Sandra Poncet, Scientific Advisor to the CEPII



  • Chen Bo, (Associate) Chair Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE) and Secretary General of the Research Institute on Free Trade Zone

  • Suyan Zhou, Institutional Relations Director of EDF - Discussant



  • Presentation (PPT)

  • Session Summary


Only available to Club Members


In the 1990s and early 2000s, the Chinese authortities carried out bold economic reforms of the state owned enterprises (SOEs). The latter nevertheless remained a key economic sector and, according to some observers, the pace of reform has stalled during the last decade or so, leading to unbalances and inefficiencies. As the Chinese economy is slowing down, regaining momentum seems strategic. In September 2015, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council announced a new proposal on SOEs reform. Pr. Bo Chen, a university professor as well as a Chinese government consultant, will present the broadlines of this new plan and share with us his analysis of the strategic issues associated with this project. Suyan Zhou, Institutional Relations Director at EDF will discuss his views.

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