
Brazil: the Rise and Fall
Tuesday 8 December 2015, 9 h 15 - 10 h 45, 75007 Paris
Chaired by Sébastien Jean, Director of the CEPII
Jens Arnold, Senior Economist, Head of Brazil and Portugal Desk, OECD
Cristina Terra, Research Associate at CEPII & Professor of Economics at ESSEC Business School
Materials :
Presentation (PPT)
Session summary (coming soon)
Only available to Club Members

Over the years 2000, Brazil deserved its title of "B" from BRICs. With its stable macroeconomic environment, high growth rates and falling income inequality, the country looked good in the picture with the other fast growing emerging economies, with the bonus of a democratic political environment. Now, however, it feels as if the 1980s are back to the future, with the economy under recession and increasing inflation rates. On the political arena, the government is walking on thin ice, juggling with corruption scandals and the most dramatic economic downturn over the past decades. Dilma Rousseff promised the undeliverable to win election last year, and now its government has to face the hard reality of the economic mess they created themselves.