
Innovation: Firm dynamics, technology and productivity trends
Tuesday 10 January 2017, 9h00-10h30 - 75007 Paris
Chaired by Sébastien Jean, Director of the CEPII
Andrew W. Wyckoff, Director for Science, Technology and Innovation of the OECD
Chiara Criscuolo, Senior Economist, Structural Policy Division of this Directorate of the OECD
Gilbert Cette, Director of the Microeconomic and Structural Analysis of the Banque de France and Associate Professor in Economics of the University of Aix-Marseille

The contrast between the pace of technology breakthroughs and productivity in developed economies is disconcerting. Whereas new technologies are being developed in many key sectors such as energy, biotechnologies, finance, defense and, last but not least, information technologies, the data on productivity growth are very disappointing.
This « productivity puzzle » leads to a debate among economists that takes several avenues from deep skepticism about the actual consequences of these innovations to technical discussions between statisticians on the measurement of the actual output and hence productivity growth.
One of the key concerns, however, is to get innovation out of the tech intensive sectors into the bulk of the economy.