
Post-pandemic India: a new global engagement
Mercredi 20 janvier 2021, 13h00-14h30
Séance présidée par Sébastien Jean, Directeur du CEPII
Suman Bery, Non-resident Fellow, Bruegel ; Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Christophe Jaffrelot, Research Director, CERI-Sciences Po/CNRS
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Though concentrated on large enterprises, the speed of India's recovery following its strict lockdown has surprised most commentators. Domestically, the pandemic has revealed both strengths and weaknesses in India's governance model, with fiscal fragility, weak banking balance sheets, excessive informality in labour markets, and pathologies in the pattern of urbanisation (including public health) requiring attention.
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi enjoys a growing popularity and, with three years remaining before parliamentary elections, he has significant political capital for reviving the economy and to tackle India's global economic challenges. The major one is probably India's economic vulnerability to China and the government's willingness to adapt global rules to reflect the institutional characteristics of China.
Two eminent and long-time analysts of contemporary India will comment on these issues and above all:
- What is the impact of the health crisis on the Indian economy and population, and what is the room for manoeuvre for policy makers?
- Will this crisis delay or limit the modernisation of the Indian economy and what will be its impact on international integration?
- What are the consequences of BJP's nationalist stance on civil peace and India's relations with its Muslim neighbours?
- What is India's strategy towards China in the light of the recent borders' skirmishes and EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty?
The presentation will be held in English and the Questions/Answers session in French and English.